Welcome to Newtok Ayaprun School and the Mertarvik Pioneer School - two schools, one community. The village of Newtok is in the process of relocation to the project site of Mertarvik, known as “the place of the spring” where traditionally people came to gather water. Due to the land erosion and permafrost degradation, the people of Newtok are moving the entire village.
The village hosts two schools which operate closely together, but also have individual unique styles. Families travel between the two villages often as they visit family members and friends, along with enjoying subsistence activities such as hunting, fishing, and berry picking.
Newtok Ayaprun School has a fluctuating enrollment as students relocate to Mertarvik and elsewhere. In the 23-24 school year, there are approximately 30 students with two certified teachers, two Yugtun speaking teachers, and additional support staff. Mertarvik Pioneer School has a fluctuating enrollment with 40+ students enrolled for the 23-24 school year, being serviced by three certified teachers, two Yugtun speaking teachers and additional support staff. Both schools are Dual Language Enrichment (DLE) schools, with learning rooted in the Yugtun language, values, and traditions, allowing students to learn through their culture. Students learn through observation and participation in real life projects and activities.